Standings after Round 2:
Pl | Name | Cl | GP | i-Rtg | Club | 1 | 2 | Score | Buchholz-1 | Buchholz | i-AvgRtg | i-Performance |
13 | Kjetil Halvorsen | B | 5 | | SK 1911 | 07 |
06 |
0.0 | 1.0 | 2.0 | 2036 | 1336 (-7.40) |
Ranking: |
1 | Score: | Score (=Matchpoints in team tournaments) |
2 | Buchholz-1: | Buchholz FIDE Cut 1, (reduced by the lowest opponent score) |
3 | Buchholz: | Buchholz FIDE, no reductions (=Teampoint buchholz in team tournaments) |
4 | i-AvgRtg: | Average FIDE rating of opponents |
Nittedal Barnas Grand Prix |